Where is the content of the 21 Day Lose Weight With A Full Plate Challenge?

If you’ve participated in the 21 Day Lose Weight With A Full Plate challenge in the past, you may find that at times you don’t have access to all the lessons.

When this happens, it's because we're preparing to run the program with a new group. For that we temporarily unpublish and then schedule the lessons so that the group can go through the program together. That means the lessons won't be accessible until their respective release date for this group. But of course afterwards the lessons are available to you any time. 
We understand this can be a minor inconvenience but it's the consequence of having lifetime access to the lessons instead of losing access after the program ended for you. 
This new group also means we'll add to the Q&A section, i.e. more content for you! 
You'll find the upcoming release date of each lesson in the program outline, so you could follow along or wait until after the program ended (see date of last lesson) for resumed on-demand access to everything. 
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