Where is the link to join Feel Fabulous live sessions?
Unless otherwise noted, we go live each Wednesday at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern, and each Saturday at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern. For the live interactions we’ll use Zoom and each link to the live session is ONLY for the live session at the listed time, and does not work for the replay.
To join us live, please do the following:
Shortly before the scheduled start time, log into the member center here: https://members.feelfabulousoverforty.com/
In the “Live Meetings” section click on the link for the day's meeting:

If asked for a passcode, use the code 1234.
If you need help or Zoom doesn’t work, please refer to the other help articles in this help section, or click on the Help link below the links for each
Can’t join? Not to worry, we’ll upload the replay to the replay section within 24 hours.