I can’t log in and I need a new password
If you ever need to reset your password, it's now possible to do this from your login page directly. Also, as both the Better Life Summits dashboard and the Feel Fabulous dashboard and forum share the same login details, we suggest performing this reset from the BLS dashboard directly.
Please follow these steps:
1. Open this link: https://members.betterlifesummits.com
2. Click the "logout" button at the bottom of the page - this is just to be sure that an old login session isn't interfering with your login.
Now you will be back on the login page, and can get started on resetting your password.
3. Click on the link which reads "Forgot your password? Regain access here."
4. This opens a new page where you can enter your email.
5. You should receive an email with a password reset link within 10 minutes. Please follow the instructions in the email - it will guide you through how to set up your new password.
After you’ve set up your own password, test it by logging out and back in! That way you know you’re all set.