How do I ask your experts a question?
The best way to get one of our experts to answer your question is to take advantage of our Feel Fabulous membership where you can ‘Submit a new question’ using the form in the dashboard. We attempt to answer as many questions as possible during the live sessions – you’ll find the schedule also in the member’s center:
Please log into the member center first:
Then click on the Knowledge Vault button at the top of the page:
On this page we would suggest that you check the 'Common questions' and 'Search the video database' sections in order to check if your question has been asked before. Almost every question or a similar question has been answered before.
Here’s a quick demo on how to use it:
If you've found that your question hasn't been asked before, scroll further down the page and click on “Submit a new question”:
We regularly review the questions we receive, and may select it to be answered in one of the live sessions where appropriate.
Please keep in mind that we can't answer all questions in the next live session, so for faster answers we recommend that you also post your question on the forum. Our community is super helpful and chances are someone there will be able to point you in the right direction before one of our experts will have the chance to address your question.