I’ve received a cancellation email but I never cancelled

There are a few reasons why this may be the case:

  • Your credit card expired and because of that you were cancelled automatically. You can check this by following the instructions in the question on updating your credit card details.
  • You’ve switched from the monthly to the annual plan and the email was referring to your cancelled monthly subscription. If that’s the case, simply ignore the email.
  • Payments failed – sometimes that happens without your knowledge because banks may revisit your payments to a company that’s registered abroad. You can check this by seeing if you’ve received a failed payment email or successful payment email from us recently.
  • The payment was delayed – sometimes that happens when the first payment was successful but a few days later went through OK. In this case you’ll have access and can ignore the email.
Of course we’re here to make sure that you have full access as long as your account remains active. So please log into our member center (https://members.feelfabulousoverforty.com/) to see if you still have access. If you do, then the cancellation email was most likely triggered erroneously and you should email us at hello@betterlifesummits.com so we can resolve this for you.
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